For the People – District 83 & New York

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To District 83 and all of New York,

I come to you with a commitment of service when you elect me to represent you to the State Legislature.

Born and raised in Wakefield, I attended the local public school and then the local Catholic school.  Like every other Bronx native, I learned how to ride a bike in the street and a learned how to play hand ball very young.  I was never good at stickball, softball or baseball, but I loved being outdoors.  The memories are vivid.

After High School I was able to experience life in the suburbs and even in another state, but quickly came home to the Bronx and a life filled with excitement, more schooling and a career.  Always keeping my roots here.  I have kept an eye on how the policies have affected the local area and the City and State overall.  

There are the normal city life struggles such as the commute to the City for work, expense of living in New York and other varied issues.  At this moment, most New Yorkers will agree, the State Legislature has not lived up to their basic responsibilities to City and State citizens.  

The crime statistics are no longer accurate due to the issues with the Bail Reform Act.  There is rampant migrant issues flooding the streets, taking over public buildings and pulling financial resources from schools, communities and seniors;  Our education system does not serve students; The budget gets larger and the services get tighter; Our elections have an abysmal turnout – therefore, the few are electing those implementing the policies, not effective for the many.

The State Legislature is responsible to the citizens of the communities and we expect more.  I am standing up FOR THE PEOPLE and demanding more.  

I trust that when we get to know one another, we will find common ground for many issues that need to be worked on.  I need your support and value your voice.  Please sign up to be a Town Hall participant so that we can begin the conversation that I promise to continue not only throughout my campaign, but to Albany when you elect me the Assembly Representative for District 83.


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